Building Physics and Building Sustainability Consultant


Keith is back

Year 11 - Keith has been away for a year working in Vietnam, managing a primate rescue centre. His year was spent assisting the rehabilitation and release of endangered primates from the South of Vietnam, working in a protected national park. He is now back to help take HDSgreentech forward, and looking forward to reacquainting himself with existing clients and hopefully meeting some new ones.

10 Years in Business

HDSgreentech is 10 years old Year 10 - Well, how did that happen? On the 1st of May 2024 we celebrated 10 years of opening the doors of HDSgreentech. From starting as a one-man band in Marchwood industrial estate, office move and the pandemic, its been an interesting journey having undertaken a number of interesting projects. We have worked on a range of projects over a range of sectors in those 10 years including Marwell Tropical House, Facebook HQ London, The Mary Rose Museum, Cross Rail. Sectors including Schools, Universities, Offices, Commercial, Leisure, Industrial, Residential, MOD, Prisons, Health. We would like to thank all our staff, clients and suppliers to helping us make this journey.

Goodbye Keith

Year 9 - Keith is leaving us to head to Vietnam to manage an endangered primate rescue centre, we wish him all the best and hope to see him back in the future!

Professional qualification success

HDSgreentech at Marwell Zoo Year 5 and 6 have come and gone, Keith has now been with us for 2 years. Like most business the last 12 have not always been easy however we would like to congratulate both Keith and Clare for their recent professional successes.

After a significant amount of hard work Keith has been approved for Chartered Engineer status and Clare who is at the beginning of her construction industry journey has achieved a Distinction Merit in a BTEC level 3 Diploma in the Construction and the Built Environment and is currently working to complete her NVQ apprentice. As a small business the growth and development of all our team is high on our priority list and we look forward to assisting them both develop further.

HDSgreentech on the move

HDSgreentech New Office Year 4 has come and gone and marching into year 5. Through year 4 we have seen the completion of Marwell Zoo Tropical House and work on the new Butlins Splashdown at Bognor. We continue to strengthen our relationship with a number or regular clients including Jda, Hopkins, ABS, AD mechanical and Westec and welcome new clients including TNG and Kentex. We have been working on the new and exciting buildings including the Facebook London Office, West Downs and Winchester University and UOC Technology Park at Bognor. If you have a project you would like to talk to us about please give us a ring.

Where has the time gone

HDSgreentech at Marwell Zoo Year 3 has been busy, with lots of interesting and exciting projects (please see project page for more information). We have moved offices have built a new Office at The Old Dairy, Fawley. As you would expect the building is TM52 compliant and achieved an Average Daylight factor of over 2%.In addition we welcome Clare to the company to strengthen and build our offering. The office has been sized to allow us to grow further. We took our first work place student this year. We are open to taking 1 student a year for 1 or two week, if of interest please get in contact.

HDSgreentech celebrates the completion of its 2nd business year

HDSgreentech is 2 years old Over the last 2 years we have worked on over 80 project and our list of clients continues to grow, across a whole spectrum of sectors including, leisure, commercial, industrial, education, civil and domestic, we have updated the projects page if you would like to read about some of the HDS projects. We would like to thank our clients. We look forward to working with you and supporting you going forward.

Damian completes the 2015 London Marathon HDSgreentech is celebration the end of the first year of business and would like to thank all its client for and enjoyable and interesting year having work on over 45 projects, Damian grinning as he falls from 13,000 feet in a range of sectors. We are looking forward to what is ahead. In addition Damian completed the London Marathon 2015 in a time of 4hrs 55 minutes and 52 sec, currently having raised £1792 and rising. Been a busy year launching he company at the Kier southern region summer reception and completing it running the Marathon. To mark this great year I undertook a personal challenge and completed a Tamden Sky dive. Once again many thanks and look forward to working with you again.

Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme (ESOS)

Department of Energy and Climate Change HDSgreentech can now offer a CIBSE accredited Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme lead assessor service. If your company has over 250 staff or has a balance sheet in excess of €43 million and has an annual turnover exceeding €50 million then there is a mandatory requirement for you to under take an ESOS energy audit which must be undertaken and you must notify the Environment Agency it has been completed before the 5th of December 2015. The assessment must be overseen my an accredited ESOS lead assessor. Failure to comply could lead to significant financial fines amount to 10’s possibly 100’s of thousands of pounds. If you would like further information please contact us.

Health Poverty Action

HDSgreentech are supporting ‘Health Poverty Action’ by running the 2015 London Marathon

October 2014: Damian only started running in April 2014, and has challenged himself to complete the 2015 London Marathon, effectively only 1 year since he started running. He recently completed his first half marathon, so he’s not completely mad, but just has to do it twice over on the one day.

Damian running for charity Damian is running in aid of the charity ‘Health Poverty Action’. This charity works to improve the health of poor and marginalised communities across Africa, Asia and Latin America. They tackle the root causes of poverty and ill health, working in partnership with the world’s poorest people to grow local expertise in health services and disease prevention so that communities can survive and thrive. They also campaign to change the policies and practices that create and sustain poverty and poor health.

If you are able to support Damian and this worthwhile charity please visit, it would be much appreciated.

L2A and EPC assessments

L2A and EPC assessments June 2014: HDSgreentech is now formally fully accredited to undertaken 2013 level 5 Part L2A and EPC assessments, Damian was part of the first wave of assessors to undertake the formal examination based on the 2013 regulations using dynamic simulation.

Damian launches HDSgreentech at the Kier Spring Drinks event in May

Kier presentation

May 2014: HDSgreentech was launched at the Kier Spring Drinks event held at The Keep, Brighton. I was the keynote speaker detailing the likely effects of the new CIBSE standards TM52 'Adaptive Cooling' and TM54 'Real Energey Studies' - these 2 new documents are likely to have a significant effect moving forward.

Portsmouth University

Portsmouth University Lecturer

April 2014: Damian has recently been appointed as part time lecturer at Portsmouth University School of Architecture, continuing on his guest lecturing role that he has undertaken since 2008.

Company Reg: 8978201. VAT No: 185535482. Registered Office: Westmead House, Westmead, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 7LP.
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